The Silver Lining of Covid19

From Netflix and Chill to Full-Stack Web Developer: How I Seized the Pandemic Opportunity to Transform my Career. #NoStack to #FullStack

Jul 31 2023


In the midst of the unprecedented global pandemic caused by COVID-19, lives were upended, economies were shaken, and individuals across the world faced uncertainty. For some, however, this period became an opportunity to pursue personal growth and explore new horizons. As the world retreated to their homes to stay safe, I embarked on a transformative journey - transitioning from a completely unrelated career to become a front-end web developer. In this blog post, I want to share my experience of using the time in quarantine to study JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and React, leading to my ultimate triumph in landing a job as a front-end web developer.

A Moment of Reflection

Like many others, I found myself at a professional crossroads during the pandemic. The industry I had been working in for years was severely impacted, and I faced the fear of job instability. Instead of succumbing to despair, I decided to take control of my destiny and utilize the time at home wisely. Armed with determination and an eagerness to learn, I chose to dive into the world of web development.

The Journey Begins: Learning the Fundamentals

My background was in a field completely unrelated to technology, but I didn't let that deter me. My first step was to set clear learning goals and devise a study plan. I opted for online courses, interactive coding platforms, and an array of free resources that the internet had to offer. I started with the basics - HTML and CSS. Learning to create the structure and style of a web page was both challenging and rewarding.

JavaScript and React: The Building Blocks of Modern Web Development

After gaining some confidence with HTML and CSS, I ventured into the realm of JavaScript, the programming language that breathes life into web applications. The intricacies of JavaScript were intimidating at first, but I pushed myself to understand its concepts and gradually applied them to build interactive web elements.

As I delved deeper into JavaScript, I discovered React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Its component-based architecture and virtual DOM opened up new possibilities. I immersed myself in React tutorials, built small projects, and gradually honed my skills in building dynamic and responsive web applications.

Ups and Downs: The Challenge of Self-Study

During my journey, I faced numerous challenges that almost tempted me to give up. Balancing self-study with other responsibilities, dealing with moments of frustration when code didn't work, and overcoming the feeling of being an imposter were hurdles I had to navigate. But every setback taught me resilience, patience, and the art of problem-solving.

Putting Knowledge into Practice: Personal Projects

As my knowledge and confidence grew, I realized the importance of hands-on experience. I started working on personal projects to apply my skills and build a portfolio. These projects ranged from simple static websites to more complex web applications. Each project was an opportunity to experiment, learn, and refine my coding abilities.

The Job Hunt: Perseverance Pays Off

After a year of intensive self-study and practice, I felt ready to take the leap into the professional world of web development. Armed with my portfolio and a newfound passion for coding, I began the job hunt. The process wasn't without its challenges, but I remained persistent. I attended virtual networking events, reached out to industry professionals, and tailored my applications to each job opportunity.

Finally, my efforts paid off, and I received an offer to join a dynamic team as a front-end web developer. The feeling of achievement and the sense of pride were indescribable.


My journey from quarantine to becoming a front-end web developer exemplifies the power of self-determination and resilience. The pandemic provided an unexpected window of opportunity, and I seized it with both hands. Learning JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and React from scratch was no small feat, but it was a journey that transformed my life and career.

For anyone contemplating a career shift or aspiring to become a developer, my advice is simple: believe in yourself, stay curious, and embrace the challenges. The path may be arduous, but with determination, dedication, and the abundance of online resources, success is within reach. The pandemic taught us that life can change in unexpected ways, and sometimes, embracing change can lead us to extraordinary new horizons.